Alla inlägg under december 2014

Av loren adams - 22 december 2014 16:43


Av loren adams - 21 december 2014 15:30

I have been so busy here !
we have to monitor men on security
i have been made the Head of the Peace and Resolution Team
with my new promotion
but today is my off
i have alot of sleeping .
going for shower...i might be with my friends later
going for training..combating
it's part of militay training
that's very important

Av loren adams - 18 december 2014 07:05

  When I wake up and find you beside me
Ohh what a joy and happiness it is?
The warm I felt the whole night
Is it a dream land when I hold you tight:D

I go to work and find you far,
Hell with job which made me away,
When the day is bad and full of stress
You remain with me in my every breath:D:*

My hope come back when the clock tick near
I am comin home to you my love & dear,
Its so sick to be away with the one you love,
In your arm I am now, feel like heaven above:D

Av loren adams - 17 december 2014 14:02

my recent promotion took alot of my time.i went to kunar for lecturing and training
no internet access there
or phone call
we have Trained men there now
i don't have to go there okay?
i will go now.i have things to handle

Av loren adams - 17 december 2014 06:38

On Fridays, it´s supposed to be a Bazaar. This is usually approximately 50 or 60 different vendors that come and setup covered areas and sell local goods like handmade carpets, pottery, jewelry, wood carvings, and antique weapons. You can look at beautiful carpets. This one is called a Khoja Roshnai and is made from wool cut from the neck of very young sheep, so it’s soft like silk but durable like wool. The seller might start his haggling at $3000, but is likely to come down at least to about $1,800. 


Av loren adams - 16 december 2014 20:36

I will keep loving you everyday and nothing can change the Love i have for you

i feel warm in my heart and i do love you


Av loren adams - 16 december 2014 14:49

Here you can see the meat hanging in the open air with no refrigeration.  It seems normal .  I guess when I eat with the Afghans, I'm eating this meat and I haven't got sick yet.   They kill it daily, so it's not like it hangs there for days...I don't think. 


Av loren adams - 16 december 2014 09:39


Afghans have the most interesting paint jobs on their trucks.  They call them jingle trucks, because of all the things hanging off the front and the black tassels you see in the's to ward off evil spirits.


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