Alla inlägg den 17 december 2014

Av loren adams - 17 december 2014 14:02

my recent promotion took alot of my time.i went to kunar for lecturing and training
no internet access there
or phone call
we have Trained men there now
i don't have to go there okay?
i will go now.i have things to handle

Av loren adams - 17 december 2014 06:38

On Fridays, it´s supposed to be a Bazaar. This is usually approximately 50 or 60 different vendors that come and setup covered areas and sell local goods like handmade carpets, pottery, jewelry, wood carvings, and antique weapons. You can look at beautiful carpets. This one is called a Khoja Roshnai and is made from wool cut from the neck of very young sheep, so it’s soft like silk but durable like wool. The seller might start his haggling at $3000, but is likely to come down at least to about $1,800. 


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